Sunday, July 3, 2016

The More You Know

                                          The More You know

We tend to think we know enough to get us by and manage our student loans and repayment. The truth of the matter is we don't know enough, with all these laws and bills and so much reconstruction is going on about student loans and the government, it's really all to much to try and figure out yourself. It's no wonder that 43 million Americans who carry $1.3 trillion in student debt just want to just cross that bridge when they get to it, or just continue to carry that debt. That's a pretty high number.....and not to mention how these numbers reflect the age groups of this debt and setting up teenagers to get ready to be swallowed up in debt.......even so the Education Secretary John B. King Jr said himself  "We know costs are rising too fast and too many Americans are struggling to pay back their loans" end I hear about a thing where they are expanding income-driven plans that require little to no money from people in dire straights. But let's face it the statistics even state that seventy percent (70%)of the people in that program go into default as well. Again there are so many different things that the government have in play for us to pay back the loans, that the confusion of the different programs could be the main problem why so may college grads are not doing the right thing. Does the blame stop there? no it doesn't let's look at the middle man, the minions who are responsible for making sure your student loan payments are applied. If applied to  your account on time that late payment fee accumulates. So before you go thinking that your doing something wrong......the minions are not always right on time with applying those payments. Even with the promises of making sure that those who do that will be held accountable may sound may never happen the correct way. Now we also have to look at the economy.....with how things are going today, even if you did get your bacholors, masters you may not find a job in your major, that will pay you enough to allow you to repay your loans. That will also put you in default. There is good news though, you can improve your chances on being successful to repayments & proper management of your student loans. There are some really good companies that can help you, yet there is another company Degrees Of Success that can help you & be successful with your student loan management, repayments and other options available, that you just may not have known about. Degrees of Success, you can get the right information to live by. To get more info about Degrees Of Success you can follow them on fb at Degrees of Success and on Twitter @DegreesofSuccess because "The More You Know" the better off you are.

Daisy Lane
Published Blogger

Friday, June 10, 2016

Confusion Is as Confusion Does

    Confused Is as Confused Does


I am not a rocket scientist or any professor of any kind,  and I will be the first to admit when I don't understand something. So when it comes to student loans and knowing a good rate, is way out my league. When I enrolled into college, I was excited, I was ready to get the paperwork going and start my classes. There were this person who was doing all financial aids and getting me set up with my books, and my other materials needed to continue my studies there. I remember them saying what's left over I get a check for, I also was told something about having to pay back the money for school, after I graduate but not to worry about it right now. I was just excited to be enrolled I guess I never really thought to ask any questions about repayment. So like some new college students, I just figured I would cross that bridge when I got to it. The one most important thing I was forgetting was to talk to a student loan manager, no one told me about my repayment options. Continuing on with my schooling I received a couple of checks which I was told they were the balance of my financial aid due to me. Not questioning a check from the school, I took it. Like most college students....I had to live, so I took the checks and used them. The one thing I should have done was get that student loan manager, but I continued on again......with my own plan. An accident happened and I lost the ability to write with my right hand and not amberdexterious so using my left hand was like a kid trying to write for the first time......chicken one could read my homework, notes nothing. Needless to say I had to withdrawl. Six (6) month later I started getting letters in the mail from the Student Loan company....wanting (at the time) a substaintial amount of money for school I never got to finish. That didn't matter, at least as I was told, so I kept ignoring those letters, never being able to get a job in the major I studied and not making any money. I was twenty-five when I started school, and twelve years later I get the guts to pay off my loans. I share this with my readers hoping you'll understand the real common mistakes made by freshmen students and even graduates. If I had taken the time to talk with a student loan manager, I would have understood my options and would not have had to go thru so much stress. Read all your paperwork, THEY ARE CONTRACTS and contracts are legally binding when signed. When my injury happened no one told me about injury claims on my student loans, even after I paid them. I could have got those student loans erased just because I became disabled during my schooling ( at the time). Today there are so many new things into play with repayment of your student loans and more people are here to help with management of your student loans.
There are books out to help you understand a little more what it is to one have to repay your student loan but your options on repayment. Let's face it, you have to pay back your loans, but do you have to be haunted by them...... NO, you don't.
I seen this awesome book from author & student loan manager Genevieve Dobson called
Failing Successfully Life after Debt......this is a good read and sugguest it to all those looking for help
on managing loans. I hope that a lot of my readers understand the importance of knowing about your options & what's available out there to help. Don't keep living in a state of confusion or stress over loans.......get the help you need!

Daisy Lane                                      Click on Link Below to Purchase

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Learn About Forgiveness.....On A Student Loan

Like most people, when starting college you really have no idea which loans are the better ones to apply for. Unlike grants you do have to pay those loans back, and after you graduate from least six (6) months later you will need to start your repayments on those said loans. Rather you get a job right away in your field of study or you get take a little bit longer to find a job in your field of study, payment is still going to be due. There is however help for those graduates who have loans and can't pay them back when scheduled, and other things to do to get student loans to disappear. Now some people may thinking, "what if I never find a job in my field of study"? Well here might be a little something to help you with your repayment process. There is something called a DEFERRED LOAN: What a deferred loan can do is provide a student or graduated borrower with a little breathing room before payments begin. There is also LOAN FORBEARANCE: allows you to temporarily postpone making your federal student loan payments or to temporarily reduce the amount you pay. Another one I would like to tell you about is ECONOMIC HARDSHIP: The economic hardship deferment is granted one year at a time for a maximum of three years. The first three qualification categories are “automatic” as long as you can provide supporting documentation. Last but not least we have  LOAN FORGIVNESS: The cancellation of all or some portion of your remaining federal student loan balance. If your loan is forgiven, you are no longer responsible for repaying that remaining portion of the loan. With anyone of these programs available to all graduates, repayment of your student loans should be a little less of a hassle and give you some light at the end of that loan tunnel. Please take time out and do a little more research of your own to get the full understanding of student loans and options for repayment. Always ask about interest rates that is also important. To learn more about the different types other ways and terms of repaying loans you can check out a couple of websites such as a couple of these :
and you can check this one out too:
Know there is help, so on ahead graduate go and get it!

Daisy Lane